Топик по английскому языку: Sport in our life / Спорт в нашей жизни

Sport in our life / Спорт в нашей жизни
Sport in our life / Спорт в нашей жизни

important [ɪmˈpɔːt(ə)nt] – важный;
among [æˈlɒŋ] – среди;
to unite [juːˈnaɪt] – объединять;
to keep fit [kiːp fit] – поддерживать фигуру;
to go in for sport – заниматься спортом;
to jog [dʒɒɡ] – бегать трусцой;
to take part [teik pa:t] – принимать участие;
to prefer [prɪˈfəː(r)] – предпочитать.

Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people. It unites people of different classes and nationalities.

Sports help people to keep fit if they go in for sport. Sport makes people healthy. Many people do morning exercises. Other people jog in the morning and train themselves in clubs, in different sections and take part in sport competitions.

But watching sport events and going in for sports are 2 different things. There is when people like sports too, but they only watch sports games, listen to sports news. They prefer reading interesting stories about sportsmen. But they don’t go in for sports.

There are a lot of kinds of sports and games for any season, for any person, for any taste.

Интересные материалы похожей тематики:

  • Sport Vocabulary with transcription / Лексика с транскрипцией, связанная с Спортом. Общая лексика
  • Sport Vocabulary with transcription / Лексика с транскрипцией, связанная с Спортом. Виды спорта.

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